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Create Your Extraordinary Love After Divorce


If you've been going in circles in your quest to meet the love of your life, this is the fastest way to get unstuck, fix the roadblocks and find love.

 ❤️ Healing Your Past Relationship Trauma & Creating a New, Elevated Relationship Vision

 ❤️ Romantic Networking - How to Meet Lots of the Right Kind of Man

 ❤️ Creating Connection with Authentic, Boundaried and Flirty Conversations

 ❤️ How to Know When He's the One: Intuition, Evaluating Men, and Making Decisions

 ❤️ Nurturing Commitment: Creating Intimacy and Getting to the Finish Line


Access to the Complete Dating After Divorce Academy training program will fill in any gaps in your dating knowledge including:

  • 10+ core modules

  • 24+ videos

  • Over 100+ past dating coaching call replays

  • Worksheets and exercises designed to teach you an effective dating strategy and action plan, upgrade your dating mindset, release blocks to receiving love so you can meet your ideal partner.

  • Texting Scripts and Questions to Ask Potential Partners

  • A list of 101 places to meet dates in the real world

Bonus 1:

Live Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Sade Curry

  • Extraordinary Life After Divorce Call (Mondays 7pm CST)

  • Healing and Emotional Recovery Call (Wednesdays 1pm CST)

  • Dating after Divorce Strategy Call (Wednesdays 5pm CST)

Bonus 2:

Membership in the private Dating After Divorce Facebook community with Sade Curry and other members.

Bonus 3:

Ongoing support from Sade Curry and guest coaches to answer your questions and help you make mindset breakthroughs.

Bonus 4:

Monthly Challenges that get you out of any dating funk and keep the momentum going: 

  • 10 Men in 30 Days Challenge

  • Self-Love Challenge

  • Play & Adventure Challenge

  • Date Your Ideal Partner Challenge

Bonus 5:

Intuitive Dating Framework workshop teaching you how to reset and train your intuition to attract only the best type of men.

PLUS extra mindset training workshops, event and webinar recordings.

Still have Questions? Schedule a Sales Call with Sade Curry To See If The Academy is for You.

Terms and Conditions

The services sold are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of results. If you require medical and/or psychological care, you should retain the services of a licensed medical professional.

You hereby assume responsibility for your actions and the results you create or do not create as a result of your actions or inaction. You also understand that it is entirely your right and responsibility to decide the extent to which you make use of the service and any content provided and you therefore agree not to attempt to hold Sade Curry Coaching liable for any such actions or results of those actions, under any circumstances. Your level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors beyond our control, including your level of personal development, knowledge, ability, dedication to the process, personality, and mindset.

The statements and the strategies offered in the services and content are based on the opinions, experiences, and coaching strategies of Sade Curry Coaching. No future guarantees can be made that you will achieve any results from the services and content, and Sade Curry shall not be held responsible for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential), personal injury, or expense of any nature whatsoever, which may be suffered by you or any third party as a result of, or which may be attributable directly or indirectly to your access and use of the services and content. Ordering and paying for services from Sade Curry Coaching will be construed as your explicit understanding and acceptance of this disclaimer.


What People Are Saying:

I’m SO incredibly proud of myself for all the work I’ve done… for putting myself out there… for not giving up even on days when I was at my lowest of lows. I never thought I’d be able to say this but I’m truly happy. Not just because I found someone that I feel like is super compatible with me, but for me finally being able to be my true self unapologetically. That was the most helpful part of working with you. I just wanna enjoy these moments that I truly deserve. We've literally been inseparable since we met. I have such a good time with him. Everything is easy and relaxed. I'm so happy we found each other. Thank you, I wouldn't be here without you!


It was fun and fast and I love my new life with my new love and family!

Sarah Hockett

I woke up on Christmas morning to breakfast, a bush walk, scaling clifftops and a swim in the ocean, very special 😊 we have started an exclusive relationship and are talking about what it is that we want short term and long term, with lots of crossover. I feel so happy and excited and completely at peace knowing I intentionally created this by hiring you and doing what you recommended. Thank you, my coach.
